Different types of Tarot readers – Choosing a Tarot Reader
When looking for a tarot reader, especially for the first time, you may be surprised that there are different types of readers. This is because no two readers are alike. So, before you start your search for the tarot reader for you, think about the type of reading you need.
For instance:
Are you looking to connect with ancestors in the spirit world or need to analyze your life’s path?
Do you need to figure out what is keeping you from achieving goals or do you need clarity?
Are you interested in having energy incorporated into your readings?
Here are some of the most common descriptions of tarot readers:
Many professional tarot readers today have a website and/or blog where you can find out more about their readings.

Please note that not all tarot readers fit neatly under just one label. If you are not sure if a tarot reader is right for you, ask them what kind of readings they do or ask how they would describe their readings.
Psychic readers: These are tarot readers who see future events and/or see into the spirit world independently of the tarot cards. They use tarot cards as a tool to help organize their thoughts.
Here are some of the most common descriptions of tarot readers:

Psychic Tarot Reader: Psychic is a word that gets thrown around a lot. So, I would be careful about this label. There are people who claim to be psychics, but some are charlatans. A genuine psychic tarot reader will be able to see past events, present and future. They may not even refer to the tarot cards when doing their readings. A tarot reader with psychic ability is a very gifted person. It can be difficult to tell a genuine psychic reader from a charlatan. Just be aware that a genuine psychic tarot reader should never frighten you and make you feel that you are cursed and need to purchase additional readings to remove a "curse" or unseal a fate. Charlatans tend to frighten their clients and pressure them to purchase additional sessions. A gifted and genuine psychic reader can tap into a future where a client is headed and empower their client with helpful messages. They also remind their client that they have free will and options. Genuine psychic tarot readers are gifted and rare.

Intuitive Tarot Readers: These types of readers are truth seekers. Intuitive tarot readers help you find clarity by going through many layers of information that they gain through tarot card interpretation. They go over a situation using the cards from many different angles, and they get to the root of the matter. Intuitive readers tend to make clarity of their client’s situation the main focus of the reading. This type of reading is helpful if a client is confused about their situation and needs to go through many layers of confusing information to get to the heart of the matter.
Empathic Tarot Readers: These readers can sense energies from their clients, and they use this energy by reading emotions and understanding how their client feels. They use their intuition and know how certain outcomes will affect their clients. Their clients feel that they are “not alone’ in their situations and are comforted by the empathic tarot reader. Empathic tarot readers understand their clients’ behaviours and thought patterns that are roadblocks and find ways to help their clients become aware of these patterns without judging their clients. They use spirituality in their sessions and "tune into" what is going on with their client. They are validating, comforting and nonjudgemental.
Holistic Tarot Readers: Holistic tarot readers incorporate other energy healing modalities in

their readings. They are knowledgeable in the energy healing arts and bring in their practices of numerology, and astrology and may add in a crystal reading or an oracle card reading to a tarot reading session. They are intuitive and are interested in empowering their client with options for dealing with situations. These readers are very spiritual, comforting and healing. This type of reader is good for someone who is open to a holistic approach to well-being and open to energy modalities incorporated in their tarot reading sessions.
Tarot Counsellor/Therapist: These readers are knowledgeable in behaviour studies and are licensed to be therapists or counsellors in their city/province/jurisdiction. They use the symbols and archetypes in tarot to help their client with their situations in their therapy sessions. Tarot reading is a tool for these types of readers and it doesn't replace sound professional therapy. If you are interested in tarot and in need of therapy from a licensed social worker or psychologist - this is an option.
Life Coach Tarot Reader: A Life Coach tarot reader uses their knowledge of tarot to examine their client’s life path. By reading the cards these tarot readers find out what strengths and gifts their clients have. They use this information to map out a plan to help their clients accomplish their goals. If you are a goal-oriented person and need a strategy to achieve your goals, look for a life coach who uses tarot reading in their coaching sessions

Tarot Interpreter: This type of reader sees reading tarot cards as deciphering a language. They are knowledgeable about the tarot structure, meanings and symbols. They know tarot cards reflect the world around their clients and how the cards reflect their subconscious world. The client's subconscious world would be thought patterns, fears and subliminal messages affecting their clients. This type of look into the subconscious is not psychotherapy. It's a spiritual reflection of their client's subconscious world. How the cards are positioned in a tarot spread is very important in reading. These readers never stop learning about tarot and put their trust in the cards and everything depicted in the card is a clue to answer questions. These readers see life as a journey and they help their clients understand the path they are on, where it leads and the options available to them.
Most tarot readers I know don’t fall 100% within one label. For instance, I describe myself as a Tarot Interpreter and incorporate tarot reading in a Holistic approach to well-being, I practice other modalities such as crystal healing, numerology and astrology and incorporate these modalities in my reading sessions. I treat reading tarot cards like reading a book and deciphering messages from the cards. I treat tarot reading as a language and love to share my knowledge of tarot. My goal is to empower my client and help them understand they have choices, and options and are in control of their path.
Important: Whichever tarot reader type you are looking for please remember that a tarot reader should never frighten you or make you feel that you must return for more readings.
Also, each tarot reader has their billing rate so make sure the cost of the tarot reading is within your budget. Tarot reading is a modality that is a spiritual and metaphysical practice and should never replace any medical advice or therapy from a licensed medical physician or therapist.
In conclusion, when looking for a tarot reader, figure out what you need in a tarot reading, use the above tarot reader descriptions and figure out which approach will help you the most. A tarot reader's website/blog is useful to find out what type of readings they give. There are professional associations such as the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, or IPHM that have listings of tarot readers that they have accredited and certified. Professional associations are a great reference for finding a certified tarot reader in your location.
Do you prefer an in-person reading or online? Online readings are great for people who can't get to an in-person tarot reading. Also, check your favourite metaphysical shops to see if they have a suitable tarot reader for you or maybe they can refer you to a few options.