Strength Tarot Card Meanings

The Number 11 card of the major arcana card is represented by a woman handling a fierce lion by its mouth. She seems composed and unafraid. The female figure is facing the reader's right and the lion almost appears to be a part of her. This suggests that the lion is representing an element of the figure.
The eleventh card of the major arcanum corresponds to the number 1 which indicates a single point in time where potential is realized, but this time it comes with more reflection. The card indicates that overcoming one's struggles will take more self-reflection; understanding one's limitations, and finding ways to gather the strength to move on. Here Strength or La Force invites us to look at that dark part of ourselves or traits that we don't want to admit that we have. We are also asked to examine what role we play in our situation. When we encounter the Magician (the first numbered arcanum) we are at a starting point where we have what we need to create and we discover the potential we have; and when we reach the eleventh arcanum, Strength, we have already encountered defeats and setbacks. Physical force and material goods are not enough to continue and so we look inward for strength and courage. The female figure in the card represents a time of reflection. She is restarting, but with more control of emotions, and more thought before action.
She understands that there is courage in learning from actions and using that wisdom to start again.

Symbols and meanings in The Strength/La Force Card

Number 11 - indicates a new phase that brings thought, measured response, and self-reflection. Potential is realized with wisdom.
The Hat- is similar to the Magiancian's hat in that it is shaped like a figure eight representing infinite potential.
The Red Cape - indicates passion and action toward achieving one's goal. It also conceals indicating the traits that are dark and we have to face these traits that are hidden within ourselves.
The Hands - placed on the lion's mouth are controlled and strategically positioned indicating representing the need to regulate our emotions and behaviors.
The lion represents our instinct. It can also represent the power, position, and conceit that we may have.
The six toes on the figures correspond to the six spikes on her hat and the six teeth in the lion's mouth. Perhaps the six toes symbolize the strength received from developing groundedness in order to face one's battles. The number of teeth being six represents picking your battles (choice/decisions). The number of spikes being six represents that we have a 'choice" in how to behave when encountering opposing. Six fingers on one of the hands (see CBD Strength) symbolized physical strength that must be regulated. The six spikes, teeth, toes, and fingers signify that mental strength is equally important as physical and material strength.
The line drawn across the neck- reminds us to examine the emotions that we keep suppressed.

When the Strength card appears in the spread there is an indication that the seeker is in or about to be in a situation where emotions have to be managed. Balancing emotional and physical energies must be practiced. It can also indicate that there is a danger of the seeker letting their emotions get the best of them. Sometimes this card can indicate a fear that the seeker has or is about to encounter. The seeker is going to have to face a part of themselves they may not like or a situation that they don't like. It's time to face fears,
When the question is about love and the Strength card makes its appearance upright it calls you to use compassion. Finding love is possible and it means that we have to be kind (to others and ourselves) as well as brave. You may be anxious about stepping out and finding love, but it never hurts to be reminded that we need to be ourselves. A reverse Strength can indicate a fear of our own sexuality. There is also an indication of jealousy and acting out on our insecurities. The reverse Strength card may also indicate that you are insecure in the relationship and when that happens the you may have a difficult time being yourself.
When the question is about work/career, the Strength indicates that we have what it takes to find and keep a job. If you are in a position already, you may be faced with some changes. Also, there is an indication that you may have to negotiate a few things such as salary or responsibilities. Do your best to examine the whole situation and your options before making any decisions. A reversed Strength card points out that we want to be noticed. We have the talent, and the drive, but we also have to remember that we may not have everything that an employer wants. We have to understand that there are interpersonal skills that are required. You can be the best computer programmer in the city, but if you are difficult to work with, you are no good to the IT team.

When the question is about health matters, it is time to really examine your habits. Set some reasonable goals and give yourself patience. For instance, if you have never exercised don't plan to achieve to completing a marathon in a couple of months. A reversed Strength card may indicate you need to slow down.
If the question is about money, the Strength card indicates that you need to review your budget. Don't borrow more than you can pay back. It's okay to spend money on yourself for a treat, as long as you put some money away regularly and the bills are paid. A reversed Strength card indicates a risk. Do not assume you will always have enough.
The Strength keywords: discipline, courage, emotions, strength, compassion, confidence, security, instinct, bravery
